It was a late night on the 28th of October when something weird happened.More specifically I heard my doorbell ringing and I wanted to go outside but it was too windy so I had to wear a jacket so I wouldn't be ended up sick. While I was going to my bedroom where my closet is ,I was hearing a woman voice shouting like she was being hurted.When I arrived to my closet and wore my jacket I realised that it was full of blood.I grabbed a hoodie and started running because I was so scared and shocked.Within the 6 minutes I was late opening the door noone was outside.I felt so threatened and scared so I went to my neighbours home.They gave me hot chocolate and treats that they had for the children and then I started hearing the same sounds as before.I realised that because I hadn't left a basket with treats they decided to trick.It was so scary so I never did again the mistake not leaving treats outside my house.