Don't go inside the old goatshed at the end of the garden", the landlord told her."It's not safe", she recalled. But how did she get there?
It was a fine mid-autumn afternoon and the weather was cold, a bit cloudy. Olivia was in the coziness of her house, enjoying the warmth of her fireplace. Suddenly her cell-phone rang furiously, like a siren, and before she had time to react, an astounding sound occurred. In a split second, the ceiling vanished, furniture started flying upwards. Olivia ran for cover, but it was hopeless. It was a hurricane. As Olivia was running, trying protect herself, everything suddenly became quiet. She went outside to only find that her place was uninhabitable; a huge pile of rumble and broken glass stood where a house should be. With a high- pitched sound in her ears, she looked around, in a desperate attempt to find somewhere to spend the night, and there it was; the goatshed.
The goatshed was a rather intimidating looking building, only ever fully explored by the landowner. When opening the thick, hard palmwood door of the shed, Olivia was amazed by a cozy-looking small room, vintage from from floor to ceiling. Contrary to her expectations, the room was clean and warm. Olivia started searching around, fascinated by some old, Hakata dolls, still in good shape. She picked a funny-looking one up, laughed at it and then went on, trying to find a blanket.
As she was returning to an armchair she had spotted, with a soft blanket in her arms, she realised the high-pitched noise was still there, annoying her, and it was getting increasingly louder. Suddenly in pain, she looked in front of her where a fishbowl stood and she saw her reflection. With blood coming out of her ears, she panicked and fell to the floor, unconscious.
Unaware of how much time had passed, she woke up, only to find out her clothes were ripped and full of blood. She struggled to get up, her legs were trembling, her hands were hard to move, and she had a big scar on her chest. The sound, however, was gone, as if a beast who had been screaming inside of her had now got out, she thought. She looked behind her and found a medieval-looking staircase in the place of what should have been a Virgin Mary’s statue.
In pure fear and curiosity, she gathered her strength to go down the stairs. While she was going down, step by step, the high-pitched sound came back, but this time, it sounded like a voice. Her legs gave out and she fell down, all the way to the bottom of the staircase. She was stunned, with a broken leg and hand and with blood coming out of unimaginable places. She looked up, she saw the Hakata doll on top of a pentagram, holding her heart. The last thought she had before passing out was, “Don't go inside the old goatshed at the end of the garden", the landlord told her. "It's not safe”.”Silly me” she gasped.